The Lighting Project

Published on 26 January 2025 at 20:08

There is a concept which has been explored very little in IMVU (and other virtual worlds).  I'm referring to none other than the creation and importation of really good quality lighting and effects for virtual rooms and venues, as well as the means of controlling it.  However, there's hope on the horizon....

....imagine not just buying a 'standard' animated or multi-light bar that one of IMVU's creators created.  These are "great" of course.  Unfortunately, good ones are hard to find in the IMVU shop, but there are some good ones out there.  I contructed Starseed Hard Rock Emporium out of these, and so have lots of other people......

Now let's take this to next level.  ....a whole light show created in another software "outside" of IMVU specifically made for making virtual stage lighting (such as Capture 2024, Chromateq, or L8ce).  A very realistic looking one, which then CAN be imported into Blender, Unreal Engine, or Unity, ...then made (created) into a very special item to upload into these platforms, and subsequently, ...a virtual room or world instance.


A light show that is "controllable with advanced triggers, Audio-React, ...or (even better) ....

...."direct control" externally from a light control board over DMX in real time.  Sound impossible?


These videos here will wet your whistle, ...hehe.  On the left, a virtual light show designed with "Capture 2024".  On the right, one designed with "L8ce".  Check this out: take a look at what's actually happening right now in VRChat.  This particular platform's userbase-creators and coders have made some massive strides on what is possible.  Take a look at some of the videos below (Club Orion).

The Club Orion video above was a video I made.  I opened up a private instance of the club, and set up the music and the lights.  I did this just from the available controls that were provided to me in the club's DJ booth (Audio-Reactive mode). "Anyone" can do this!!

The Club Orion Event above was done professionally and utilizes the same tech and controls from the DJ booth on the video on the left, but it was switched into DMX mode, allowing the lights to be controlled externally by a professional light board/software.


What you see above is already being done in 3DVR headset virtual worlds by professional DJ's who give shows in these worlds ...since 2020 or earlier.  ...and the lights are being sync'd to the 'beat' and even real-time controlled by a professional light board controller, like above.  ....makes you wonder how they do it.  A new protocol called VSRL makes all this possible.

I "know" IMVU is kind of a "closed-off" system platform (from outside control) as well as their limitations on kb's with this in a room.  ....but platforms like VRChat have "broken the mold" (so-to-speak), and aside from what I've already seen, I think some even greater things are possible.  Hey, you know me......  my favorite German Light Show back-truss (GLP Prolight & Sound)! (see below)

I want to see this back-truss of lights in a club or event venue in VRChat!  ....and I'm determined to Make This Happen!!!

Last thing.  For any creator out there who wants to try and experiment with this, Capture ( makes a "free" Student Edition, along with one available 'Student Edition' template, which would give anyone what they need that would work "pre-programmed" in IMVU.  ...and it would seem for a platform like VRChat that there may be "no limitations".  Both Capture and L8ce let you design a light-show from already created & designed (and programmable) lights, fixtures, and trusses which are then easily imported into Blender and Unity.


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