Say "hello" to the Starseed Hard Rock Emporium. For those who have never seen my club, you should stop in IMVU sometime and check it out. It's not your standard club and a lot of strange & unique work went into making it to look just like an authentic hard rock venue with all the extras.
It features a lot of dance poses and other pose-spots throughout the club, a live band performing on-stage, along with an extra set of instruments for anyone to go onstage and join in as a performing musician.
The club also features a large detailed sound and lighting board-console area in the back of the club, flight cases, Marshall amps, Pearl drums, Roland keys, and a realistic looking brand-name PA sound system featuring Cerwin-Vega speakers & subwoofer cabinets.
However, the biggest piece that was worked on was the stage-lighting. A lot of time went into looking for good quality animated lights in the IMVU shop, and even more time spent in sizing, positioning and placing them on-stage in the room.
The club is one of my Starseed family's official club rooms, is run and operated by Starseed Entertainment Group to be used for live DJ events, parties, to jam onstage, or just to hang out in and have fun.
Hopefully when the time is right, I hope to be able to schedule some live DJ events in Starseed Hardrock Emporium. We have already featured DJ Jefferson Starseed in the room live during his "Saturday Night Special" broadcasts on RadioMina.com.

Outside of this, I have been helping and working with Captain Kaos and his Monday Madness event which features live DJ's throughout the IMVU DJ Community, every Monday night in IMVU. If you're on IMVU on Monday's, come on out and join the party and the "madness".