Thank you for everything, every day!
- Thank you for what you did on the cross for all humanity.
- Thank you for Eternal Life, that you gave as a gift to all who believe in you and what you have done for them.
- Thank you for truth, and keeping it simple.
(...not 'complicated', like 90% of Christianity makes it out to be)
- Thank you for your providence, that extends to everyone, and not just to those who know you, love and believe in you.
- Thank you for putting up with all my bullcrap, and for being patient with me, ...and all of us.
- Thank you for watching over and protecting me, even when I strayed and ran far away from you and made some 'really extremely very bad stupid' decisions in the course of my life. I should be dead right now, but for some reason, ...I'm still alive.
- Thank you for IMVU, and all my friends and family in there.
- Thank you for this radio station, another day, and another opportunity to rest in who you are, and to Live....
Eternal Life is not a destination, or about living up to any standard, or about escaping some eternal torment.
Eternal Life is a free gift to all mankind from God Himself, for all those who "Believe on His Name". That name is Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashiach (Hebrew), translated means "God Is Salvation and Messiah". Jesus is God Himself who came as a human and took away all the transgressions and sin of the world. Our Creator fixed the problem with His own blood-sacrifice on the cross, wiped the slate clean, and freely offers Eternal Life to everyone who recognizes their need for what He's done for them and all of humanity, and "believes and accepts it" for themselves.
Over 300 scriptural prophecies written by multiple men of God and God's prophets over a period of thousands of years, including the very first one made by God Himself in the Garden over 6,000 years ago, along with celestial signs and symbology, directly point to ONE man as the Messiah, "God Himself in the Flesh", who already came, showed us who He was, and Jesus fullfilled those prophecies during the time He was here....
....including 29 of them in one day
...including the most important one, something that only God Himself could do.....
...and seen by at least 300 witnesses. the way, the odds of one man fulfilling just eight (8) of the major prophecies is
1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000
Everyone has a "belief" in something (a god, a philosophy, scientism, an ideology, etc.), along with it's corresponding doctrine or way-of-thought, and ultimately affects your decisions, what you think, and what you do in life. Everyone has the "freedom" to choose what they want to believe. From my standpoint, it's your God-given right, and He gives everyone that freedom and choice, The Creator never wanted a bunch of "robots". Freedom is a gift too you know, and love and acceptance are a "choice".
Everyone and everything has a "purpose" ...and a means to an end, and you always have the freedom to believe what you want or choose to. No one can ever take that away from you. Enough said.
The Creator, while on this Earth as one of us, made the following statement and warning. It's for "Everyone".....
"Take heed that no one DECEIVE YOU".
For myself, I choose to believe the simplicity of what is called the "Good News", the evidence of my own eyes, senses, simplicity, research, the consistency & consilience of the scriptural & historical record, and what my heart tells me. Could it be that, maybe ...the true 'intelligent designer' of all things has already revealed Himself and who He really is, and has already come as scripture has declared, one of us for a specific purpose, now fulfilled?
I hope you choose this day to LIVE! It's a free gift from your Creator. He's already paid the cost of it while on this earth, and it's available by believing and receiving Him,
...not by rejecting Him.